Real Butter = Awesome

Filed under: General Health, Nutrition

Sorry for the lack of writing lately, between the New Year, going back and forth from Maine and Connecticut, and the fact that I didn’t have any internet at my apartment for the last few days has really set me behind.

As most of you probably know, since I just wrote about it, I have become less and less of a fan of conventional dairy. I think that if we were able to consume dairy as it was made and consumed for thousands of years before industrialization, it wouldn’t be a problem at all. Fortunately for us, I wanted to point out one such product that is made just this way.

Several months ago I came across a butter at Whole Foods that really intrigued me. It was called Pasture Butter by Organic Valley. Organic Valley got great remarks on the Cornucopia Institute’s reviews of dairies, which you can check out here. This basically means that they treat their cows well, do not use antibiotics or growth hormones, and allow them to pasture on real grass.

This butter, due to the fact that it is only made from May to September when grass is at its most nutritious, is high in all the fat soluble vitamins, is delicious, and contains quality saturated fats.

To find an incredibly thorough review (though I disagree with their fat comments) on this product, check out this post on Mother Earth News.

Also do not forget, if you are interested, check out the Lean Eating Program on Precision Nutrition, pre-sale started yesterday, so don’t waste any time! Men click HERE, women click HERE.

Posted on January 5th, 2010 by Brian St. Pierre


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