1-Year Anniversary

Filed under: Uncategorized

Today is the 1-year anniversary for my wife and I, and we are heading up to beautiful Camden, ME for a little getaway. We are pretty much walking out the door as I type this, so I gotta go!

I will bring some kickass content back to the blog as soon as I get home.

I hope everyone had a great weekend!

Posted on October 10th, 2010 by Brian St. Pierre

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The Future of Strength and Conditioning Arrives Today!

Filed under: Training, Weight Loss

As I talked about on Tuesday, Mike Boyle is releasing an incredible new system called BodyByBoyle Online, and it is live right now!

BodyByBoyle Online has been in development for almost a year, and trust me, it will be well worth the wait.

What is BodyByBoyle Online?

Simply put, it is everything you need to become a great athlete, trainer, or strength coach. Here is a quick breakdown of some of the incredible features at BBB Online.

1. An Extensive Program Database: BBB Online includes 12-months worth of programs at launch. Included are the same programs Mike Boyle uses with his elite athletes, rehab programs for the low back, hips, and shoulders, fat loss programs for beginner clients and more hardcore fat loss programs for those that want a challenge. Plus Two Months of programs will be added each month.

2. The Most Complete Exercise Video Library Ever Created: At launch BBB Online has over 280 exercise videos. EVERY movement and exercise that is used at Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning has been filmed in HD and professionally edited. By everything, I mean, all of the warm-ups, stretches, speed work, agility drills, plyometrics, ballistics (medball) exercises, olympic lifts, and strength training exercises. E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G.

3. An Educational Database That Will Give You the Knowledge to Be The Best Athlete, Trainer, or Strength Coach Around: BBB Online includes a vast educational database. Included are full DVDs, Exclusive F.A.Q. videos with Mike on a wide range of subjects (plus more added each week), and videos of our entire staff meetings at MBSC. Some weeks you may get over 60 minutes of video just from the staff meeting. That is like a mini-seminar! And the guys at BBB Online will be taking requests, so if you want to hear Mike talk about (insert subject here), all you need to do is e-mail them and they will make it happen.

Those features are just the tip of the ice burg, the BBB Online membership also includes a revolutionary piece of software that will make training athletes and clients online as easy as a few clicks of the mouse.

The best part about BBB Online, is that you will be in heaven if you like to train hard using the most complete programs used by elite athletes, or if you are a trainer or a strength coach that wants the tools and the recipe that has made MBSC the #1 Gym in America. They are literally giving you the keys to Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning, you can do whatever you wish with what is inside.

Now stop reading and check BodyByBoyle Online Out!  There are only 500 spots open at the discounted price!

Posted on October 7th, 2010 by Brian St. Pierre


Training: BSP Style

Filed under: Training

I have had a few readers request to see what my training program looks like, so I have decided over the next few weeks to give you a glimpse of what it means to train BSP style.

There are a few things to keep in mind though when looking at my training. I have been training hard for about 10 years, and training well for about 5. I am pretty comfortable with my strength levels and aesthetics, so mainly I just train because I enjoy it and to be strong and healthy. I no longer plan my day around my gym sessions, nor do I spend an inordinate amount of time training. I get in, do my thing, and go home.

I also rotate exercises from month to month and sometimes week to week. I am not a fan of volume, as I find I respond best to relatively short and intense sessions, not 8 sets of 8 reps. Volume just makes me feel like crap.

You will also see I don’t do a ton of specific conditioning. I train at a fast enough pace to jack up my heart rate and sweat my butt off, as well as walking the dog several miles several days per week. I am also on my feet a ton at work.

Monday – Upper Body Day

Pre Work – Foam Roll at home, Dynamic Warm-up at gym

A1. Close Grip Bench Press – 2×3, 1×6-8

A2. Chinups – 2×3, 1×6-8

B1. Feet Elevated Band Resisted Pushups – 3×12

B2. Standing 1-Arm Cable Rows – 3×12/side

C1. BB Curls – 2×8

C2. Ab Wheel Iso Holds – 2x20s

D. 2 sets of corrective work of choice

Nothing too fancy on this day. I chose to do close grip bench this month because I haven’t done it in like a year, so it was a nice change of pace. I also threw in some bb curls because they are fun, and who doesn’t like doing a few sets of curls? Not an arms day mind you, just a few sets.

As you can see, not a ton of volume, and 6 exercises is usually my limit, with a little corrective stuff tossed in. Sometimes on days when I am really pressed for time, I will just do 4 compound exercises. I can bang out one of those days in 30 minutes even with the foam roll and warmup, so those are good to keep in your backpocket when pressed for time.

Later on this week or next week I will show what my Lower Body and Upper/Total Body training days look like. Please feel free to post any questions in the comments section!

Posted on October 6th, 2010 by Brian St. Pierre


A Whole New Way to do Interval Training

Filed under: General Health, Training, Weight Loss

Mike Boyle, one of the most renowned strength and conditioning coaches in the world, has made some interesting changes with how he conditions his athletes and clients at Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning. It will be fascinating to see what result Mike’s athletes and clients reap from the modification.

This form of conditioning can also be implemented in a fat loss program, so if that is your goal (or that of your clients) give it a shot, it will provide a nice spark to your stale routine.

You can check out the video of Mike explaining the changes Right Here.

If you do consider yourself a serious athlete, lifter, strength coach, or trainer, you owe it to yourself to hear what the owner of the #1 Gym in America (By Men’s Health) has to say when it comes to performing better and getting your clients and athletes real results that will improve their conditioning, body composition, and performance.

Also keep an eye out this week as Mike is literally giving everyone the keys to Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning with BodyByBoyle Online.

I got a chance to preview this service (thanks to Kevin Larrabee), and I was absolutely blown away. From the training programs, to the exercise videos, to the educational content, it is simply the ultimate resource for strength and conditioning.

Stay tuned as BodyByBoyle Online is launching on October 6th at 7:00 am EST. There is a limited number of spots available so don’t miss out!

Again you can check the video for free Right Here.

Posted on October 4th, 2010 by Brian St. Pierre

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Blog Number 250!

Filed under: General Health, Nutrition, Recipes

Well today is the day of EC’s wedding, for which I will be suiting up and heading out in just a few short hours. It will be a blast to see a lot of old friends, watch Tony dance, check that, watch Eric dance (the man has about as many moves as me), and just have a good time.

As much as I love Anna and EC, I am not writing my 250th blog post solely on their wedding. Sorry Eric.

I figured I would make today a mixed bag of all kinds of things that I blog about often. The awesomeness of a food, a smoothie recipe, neat links from readers showcasing how great and how awful our food production is, you know, fun stuff.

To start things off though, I want to talk about my favorite subject, ME!

All kidding aside, for those of you who don’t read t-nation religiously I had a new article go up on Friday, called 10 Forgotten Muscle Building Foods, so check it out.

I have also gotten some tremendous feedback from people who bought the Show and Go Nutrition Guide, and I can’t thank you guys enough for letting me know your thoughts on my first product!

Awesomeness of Pears

To continue down this most random of days, today I wanted to talk about the glory of a seemingly forgotten fruit – pears! Pears are absolutely delicious, sweet and juicy. They are related to apples and have several thousand different colors and varieties, the most common in the US being the Bosc, Bartlett, Anjou, and Comice. They are all a good source of fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, and copper.

Copper is actually a vitally important substance as it is for the formation of superoxide dismutase, a powerful enzyme that eliminates superoxide radicals, which if not eliminated quickly can damage cell membranes. It has also been shown that a diet low in copper is associated with risk factors for colon cancer.

While you won’t find much support for this in the literature, health care practitioners often recommend pears as one of the first fruits for infants to consume, as it is hypoallergenic and less likely to produce an adverse response.

Reader Smoothie Recipe

A reader of the blog emailed me a recipe he created after reading my most recent t-nation article. He described it as thick and creamy with a slightly nutty edge and almost velvety mouthfeel.

  • 1/2 – 3/4 cup water
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk (sugar free)
  • 1 large banana
  • 1 scoop vanilla whey
  • 3-4 ice cubes

Blend on high for 30-45 seconds and enjoy! I haven’t actually tried it yet myself, but it sure sounds delicious. Give it a try and let me know what you think.

Our Terrible Food Production

A reader sent me this link to Gizmodo, about how disgusting the production of chicken nuggets is. Now according to the author chicken is turned into this picture below to make nuggets, which is just nasty.

What worse is he claims that “because it is crawling with bacteria, it will be washed in ammonia, soaked in it, actually. Then, because it tastes gross, it will be reflavored artificially. Then, because it is weirdly pink, it will be dyed with artificial color.”

Nasty. Now some of this is disputed by people in the comments section, and I can’t say I have ever witnessed chicken nuggets being made like this, butI have seen them be made from a pink liquid in the cafeteria in college so I truly do not doubt that this is wholly possible. Either way, does that look like something that you want to eat?

Our Excellent Food Production

Another reader sent me a link about 12 of America’s Best Local Farmer’s Markets. This was really neat, and one of the farmer’s markets it showcased was in Portland, Maine. That farmer’s market has been around since 1917, which just showcases how forward-thinking us Mainers (including EC) are.

There are so many people who tell me that they don’t have access to high-quality food, but examples like this show that it is out there, it just takes a little searching and some effort, as most of it is not going to be sold at your local Stop n’ Shop.

So that will do it for what I believe is the first ever post on a Sunday. It is now time to quickly mow the lawn and then get all done up for the wedding!

Posted on October 3rd, 2010 by Brian St. Pierre


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