A New Look Around Here

Filed under: Training

So I am sure you will all notice the new look around here! I have my good friend Nico to thank for the work he did in revamping my site, and I must say he did a tremendous job! There are a few more bugs to workout, like for some odd reason we lost the search function, but that should be up and running by the end of the day today.

I was able to barter a training program and some nutrition consulting with Nico in exchange for the website work, which I was also pretty pumped about!

Please let me know what you guys think of the new layout and design, any and all comments are welcome!

I am also very excited/nervous, I guess anxious would be appropriate, for Show and Go to launch tomorrow! It is the first book I have written, and although I have the utmost confidence in it I can’t help being just a little nervous! I don’t think I have ever used that many exclamation points in my life. I feel like Mike Robertson. Just kidding Mike.

I am in Boston for a few days with my wife as she is in town for a conference on dental implants. I know exciting stuff right? I am locking myself in my hotel room today (which her company is paying for, booya) and adding the final touches on the site as well as finishing up my 3rd article for t-nation.

We of course packed lots of healthy portable snacks to bring with us. Some mixed nuts, dried fruit, fresh fruit, natural peanut butter, whole-grain bread (unfortunately sprouted-grains wouldn’t last long without refrigeration), and protein powder.

Of course while in town I am going to make an appearance at CP tomorrow. Get in a lift with the staff, see some friendly faces, meet the new interns, do lots of observing and maybe even do a little coaching, mainly because I just can’t help myself.

It will be so nice to be back in a gym with some actual attitude. It is amazing the difference it makes when you are surrounded by loud music, like-minded individuals and people actually training with a purpose. In fact an online client of mine sent me an article from the NY Times showing that the tempo of the music you listen to can highly influence how hard you train.

Greatest lifting music of all time

The study found that when people listened to the same song at either 10% faster or 10% slower tempo, their work output matched the tempo. Meaning when they listen to the slower version of the song (without knowing it) they actually worked less hard. When they listened to the faster version they worked harder. The crazy part is they knew they were working harder (though they didn’t know the song was faster than normal) but they persevered none-the-less.

Needless to say, Tony Gentilcore will NOT be in control of the music when I am at the facility tomorrow, that’s for sure!

That’s it for today guys, and please let me know what you think of the new layout!

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Posted on September 20th, 2010 by Brian St. Pierre


  1. Kujo Says:

    I like the new layout. My only complaint is that I think the default font/text size is too small. Something more like the font size on Tony’s blog would be much better.

  2. Nico Says:

    Hey Brian & Readers of bsptraining!

    Thanks for the props. I have increased the font size as per your suggestions, let me know if you’d like to see it even larger, it’s a very simple change.

    Search functionality was not available in this theme (at least not in a way which was immediately apparent to me) so I’ll have to get a little fancy later this evening when I have a moment.

    RATM rules!

  3. Emily St. Pierre Says:

    I’m liking this new website Bri! Great job Nico it looks excellent! As I began reading this article I definitely made note of all the esclamation points and loved how you commented on the fact after lol! I was going to say your wiritng it starting to look like mine =)! Just wanted to give my approval on the website and would like a signed copy of this book please! Love you <3

  4. Callum Says:

    Two things with the theme.

    1. There is a link on the homepage to ‘generic drugs’ in the footer. Looks like somethings dodgy going on with the theme.

    2. The search is simply a widget, even the demo of this theme on themelab has the search as a key component of the layout.

  5. Will Says:

    I recommend Drowning Pool for training. Sounds nasty, is a bit nasty, but hell it’s good for lifting.

  6. Nico Says:

    Alright folks, things should be back to normal now.

    Thanks for the kind words Emily!!! (gratuitous use of exclamation was not sarcasm, I swear)

    Callum, I wish the search fix had been that simple, unfortunately it was a strange margin issue. I believe it should be showing properly now. The generic drugs thing was very suspect. After investigating and decrypting it’s been eliminated.

    If anyone finds any more issues or funkyness please let Brian know so I can jump on them ASAP.



  7. hooch turner Says:

    I’m always impressed by this site. No offense to your presentation skills Nico, but Brian’s nutritional information is like a catwalk model or something-it would look good wearing a potatoe sack. I also think it’s great to see some genuine barter exchange between two professionals, in this post-recession world. Just shows that we’re not all just walking units of currency (not that there’s too much wrong with that now and again either). Thanks for answering my questions over various posts.

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