A Pill for Damn Near Everything!
Filed under: General Health
There was a great article on MSN about over prescription of medications that I would like to discuss. Do read the article, it will be well worth your time.

Health in a bottle? I think not.
This is a topic that I am very passionate about as I definitely feel that the medical community has gone off the deep end in regards to prescription medications and pills. Doctors have just decided that the best course of action to solve almost every problem is a pill. Your shoulder hurts, here’s a pill. It hurts worse, here is another pill. And the cycle continues. When you have to prescribe a pill to offset the effects of another pill, doesn’t that just strike you as odd? Granted there may be occasions when that is necessary and beneficial, but it should not be the norm.
The worst part is that doctors and physicians as a whole seem to ignore the possibility that taking so many prescription drugs in conjunction with one another could pose health risks of their own. A drug is a drug, and they all have side effects and we need to stop blindly following the advice that is being given by doctors through the pharmaceutical companies. These companies have a huge influence in the medical community as they fund research projects, pad doctors pockets (which is finally being looked into) and influence what is taught in med school. Half of the 10 leading causes of death in the US are diet related, yet our solution is to teach our doctors the best pills to pop, not the best dietary intervention strategies? Seems a little ass backwards to me.
- The Medical Community Motto: Buy Prescription Drugs!
Consumers do carry a portion of the blame, as many people would much rather just take a pill every day to “solve” their problem(s), rather than take preventative action, and doctors know this. It is often the path of least resistance to prescribe a pill, so both parties are at fault. We as a society need to reclaim our health through proper nutrition and exercise and stop expecting someone or something to solve our problems, least of all a pill.
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Posted on November 24th, 2008 by Brian St. Pierre
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March 13th, 2009 at 9:06 am
[...] taken antibiotics for 2 straight months without a break. Over prescription of medications is a huge pet peeve of mine, and I’m not saying he doesn’t need it, [...]
June 6th, 2011 at 9:33 pm
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