Are Doctors Finally Getting It?

Filed under: General Health, Nutrition

A reader sent me an email with a link to an interesting and inspiring NY Times article.

This article discuss Dr. Preston Maring and his son, and their efforts to get other physicians and medical colleagues to embrace the importance of nutrition in the health and well-being of their patients.

Dr. Maring set up an all-organic farmer’s market at the Kaiser Permanente medical center at which he works. In his mind the kitchen must become as crucial as the clinic in managing and improving the health of patients.

One of my favorite quotes from the article is this:

“Food is at the center of health and illness, he argues, and so doctors must make all aspects of it — growing, buying, cooking, eating — a mainstay of their medical educations, their personal lives and their practices.”

I could not have said it better myself.

The article also goes into details about how doctors are not provided with sufficient nutrition education, and most do not feel comfortable discussing nutrition with patients (though people still ask and many doctors are more than willing to give poor advice).

Dr. Maring’s son, who is a fourth year med student, has also developed “a series of cooking classes that incorporate salient aspects of nutrition and clinical medicine.” I found that to be quite interesting and I hope that catches on at medical schools nation-wide.

We need to get doctors on board with actually providing sound nutrition advice, and it will all start with providing them with a better nutrition education. This one step alone can make a huge difference, and I sincerely hope this process continues.

I also just wanted to remind you that if you haven’t gotten it yet, today is the last day of the $50 discount on the Show and Go Training System so now is the time to buy!

Have a great weekend everybody!

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Posted on September 24th, 2010 by Brian St. Pierre


  1. Jeff Brewster Says:


    Perhaps doctors should simply work more diligently toward extending their total care network to include enlightened nutrition pros like you. Then they get the best of all worlds and the real benefits trickle right on down to the patients who need and deserve the best.

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  4. Great links for the weekend! Says:

    [...] is a rant from Dr Michael Eades about the shocking state of medical ignorance.  The second is a story of hope about some doctors finally getting it right from Brian St [...]

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