Blog Number 250!

Filed under: General Health, Nutrition, Recipes

Well today is the day of EC’s wedding, for which I will be suiting up and heading out in just a few short hours. It will be a blast to see a lot of old friends, watch Tony dance, check that, watch Eric dance (the man has about as many moves as me), and just have a good time.

As much as I love Anna and EC, I am not writing my 250th blog post solely on their wedding. Sorry Eric.

I figured I would make today a mixed bag of all kinds of things that I blog about often. The awesomeness of a food, a smoothie recipe, neat links from readers showcasing how great and how awful our food production is, you know, fun stuff.

To start things off though, I want to talk about my favorite subject, ME!

All kidding aside, for those of you who don’t read t-nation religiously I had a new article go up on Friday, called 10 Forgotten Muscle Building Foods, so check it out.

I have also gotten some tremendous feedback from people who bought the Show and Go Nutrition Guide, and I can’t thank you guys enough for letting me know your thoughts on my first product!

Awesomeness of Pears

To continue down this most random of days, today I wanted to talk about the glory of a seemingly forgotten fruit – pears! Pears are absolutely delicious, sweet and juicy. They are related to apples and have several thousand different colors and varieties, the most common in the US being the Bosc, Bartlett, Anjou, and Comice. They are all a good source of fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, and copper.

Copper is actually a vitally important substance as it is for the formation of superoxide dismutase, a powerful enzyme that eliminates superoxide radicals, which if not eliminated quickly can damage cell membranes. It has also been shown that a diet low in copper is associated with risk factors for colon cancer.

While you won’t find much support for this in the literature, health care practitioners often recommend pears as one of the first fruits for infants to consume, as it is hypoallergenic and less likely to produce an adverse response.

Reader Smoothie Recipe

A reader of the blog emailed me a recipe he created after reading my most recent t-nation article. He described it as thick and creamy with a slightly nutty edge and almost velvety mouthfeel.

  • 1/2 – 3/4 cup water
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk (sugar free)
  • 1 large banana
  • 1 scoop vanilla whey
  • 3-4 ice cubes

Blend on high for 30-45 seconds and enjoy! I haven’t actually tried it yet myself, but it sure sounds delicious. Give it a try and let me know what you think.

Our Terrible Food Production

A reader sent me this link to Gizmodo, about how disgusting the production of chicken nuggets is. Now according to the author chicken is turned into this picture below to make nuggets, which is just nasty.

What worse is he claims that “because it is crawling with bacteria, it will be washed in ammonia, soaked in it, actually. Then, because it tastes gross, it will be reflavored artificially. Then, because it is weirdly pink, it will be dyed with artificial color.”

Nasty. Now some of this is disputed by people in the comments section, and I can’t say I have ever witnessed chicken nuggets being made like this, butI have seen them be made from a pink liquid in the cafeteria in college so I truly do not doubt that this is wholly possible. Either way, does that look like something that you want to eat?

Our Excellent Food Production

Another reader sent me a link about 12 of America’s Best Local Farmer’s Markets. This was really neat, and one of the farmer’s markets it showcased was in Portland, Maine. That farmer’s market has been around since 1917, which just showcases how forward-thinking us Mainers (including EC) are.

There are so many people who tell me that they don’t have access to high-quality food, but examples like this show that it is out there, it just takes a little searching and some effort, as most of it is not going to be sold at your local Stop n’ Shop.

So that will do it for what I believe is the first ever post on a Sunday. It is now time to quickly mow the lawn and then get all done up for the wedding!

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Posted on October 3rd, 2010 by Brian St. Pierre


  1. Mark Says:

    Hey Brian- Thanks for the great post. I purchased Show and Go which so far seems great! I cannot for the life of me find the nutrition guide? Is it in the main manual or separate. I am really excited to see it. Thanks!

  2. Deb Says:

    Hey Brian!

    Husband and I were in NH over the weekend, and stopped at a farm to buy eggs and raw milk! The milk is so creamy and good…the eggs are super fresh. When I live there, I will be stopping by all my local farmers for this type of food. As always though, good stuff. Hope you’re well.


  3. Brian St. Pierre Says:


    The Nutrition Guide is a separate purchase. After purchasing Show and Go you should have been brought to a page where you had the option of purchasing the Nutrition Guide.

    If not, you can shoot Eric an email at He can help you get the nutrition guide if you forgot to grab it before. I hope that helps!

    Hey Deb,

    You are moving to NH? To me there is nothing better than fresh food from local farms. The taste is markedly better, no doubt. Things are great up here, how is MA treating you?


  4. Deborah Says:

    The T-Nation article was fantastic Brian!

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    Please keep thnroiwg these posts up they help tons.

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