BSP Joins PN

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I know it has been quite some time since I have blogged.  Well I can tell you much has happened since April 4th!

My wife and I closed on our first house just a few days before that, and we spent many weeks renovating, updating and painting the entire place.  In the process I also cut the hell out of my hand, requiring 12 total stitches.  Mind you this was at about 8pm the night before my daughter’s first birthday party.  It was awesome timing.

We are moved in and mostly settled, though we will be working on small projects throughout the summer, and from what everyone tells me, the rest of our lives.

In addition, as noted in the title, I also accepted a position with Precision Nutrition!  I have taken a position as a Lean Eating Coach, in addition to writing articles and working closely with Dr. John Berardi to develop top-notch seminar presentations.  At the moment it appears that I have a few speaking engagements set up, and as they become finalized I will let you guys know.

All in all this is going to be a pretty cool job.  I get to work from home, help hundreds of people every year lose tons of weight and change their lives, do some writing and speak at some cool events.  Not too mention I get to do all of this for an awesome company that is doing things the right way, and I get to work for the guy that was probably the single biggest reason I got into this field in the first place.

Now this doesn’t mean my blog is done, it simply means I will probably post less than I used to, though more than I have in the past 2 months!

It feels good to be back!

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Posted on June 18th, 2012 by Brian St. Pierre


  1. Jeremy Says:

    Congratulations Brian! PN is such an awesome place.

  2. Tony S. Says:

    That’s GREAT NEWS, Congratulations sir! PN is truly an incredible company and one that has helped me tremendously thus far and I know I will continue to turn to for information. Glad to know you’ll still be providing us all with some fantastic information here as well. Good seeing you in Providence and good luck with this next stage of your career!

  3. Matt K Says:

    congrats, Brian! people will be lucky to work with you!

  4. This Fit Chick Says:

    That is fab! Congrats, Brian!

  5. Danny McLarty Says:

    #1) Glad to hear that you are still alive. I was starting to worry. ;)

    #2) Great news about PN. You’ll make a VERY strong team even stronger! Awesome!!!


  6. Justin Says:

    Congrats Brian thats a huge accomplishment and i think you will make a great coach. Is there anyway to choose a coach? Been thinking about the course and with you coaching i might not be able to talk myself out of it.

  7. Ryan Says:

    Congrats! That is wonderful news! PN has helped me so much and they are very lucky to have you on board!

  8. Brian St. Pierre Says:

    To Everyone,

    Thank you for all of the kind words and well wishes, it is much appreciated.


    I am not sure, but you could certainly ask!


  9. Walt Says:

    Excellent! They put out some pretty awesome stuff. You earned it!

  10. kyle Says:

    A belated CONGRATS!!! you’ve worked hard and made great things happen!


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