Counting Reps to Counting Revenue

Filed under: General Health, Training

I want to give all of you guys a heads up that Alwyn and Rachel Cosgrove’s online education course From Counting Reps to Counting Revenue is now available.

When it comes to succeeding in the business of fitness, there are few professionals that have achieved sustainable success like that of Alwyn Cosgrove.

He is someone that has been there, done that and continues to do it. He has also contributed mightily to the success of so many gyms around the country, including my former stomping grounds, Cressey Performance. Without Alwyn’s advice and guidance, CP would not be what it is today.

It also takes managing skills to win the CP fantasy football league

The National Fitness Business Alliance states that Alwyn’s gym, Results Fitness, is the most profitable gym per square foot in the country!

Once I finish my Master’s Degree and Dietetic Internship it is my goal to open my own fitness facility in southern Maine. I may come from a family of small business owners, as well as having been with Cressey Performance throughtout its growing pains, but I can honestly say that this program will be one of the most helpful experiences to achieve my dream.

If you own a gym or you’ve ever thought about starting one, do yourself a favor and take a look at Alwyn and Rachel’s course. This program is only available until Friday Sept. 4th at midnight, so don’t wait, sign up for From Counting Reps to Counting Revenue today!

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Posted on September 1st, 2011 by Brian St. Pierre


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