Discounts Galore!

Filed under: General Health, Nutrition, Training

I actually have two cool announcements today.

First, I want to remind everyone that today is the final day of the introductory sale price for Lean Hybrid Muscle Reloaded. I have only done 1 session so far, but it is a killer! I have heard some more really great things about the program from Tony and EC as well, as they are a little farther along in it than I am.

If building a leaner, more functional and athletic physique is your goal, then this would be an absolutely fantastic resource for you. It balances strength, hypertrophy, power and conditioning, and allows you to tweak the parameters to emphasize one of those elements over the others, without neglecting any of them.

Plus, you risk absolutely nothing. If you’re not thrilled, simply return it within 30 days and Mike & Elliott will refund every penny – no questions asked! The sale expires at midnight tonight, so don’t wait!

———>> Lean Hybrid Muscle Reloaded <<———

Secondly, as some of you may know I am a big fan of This is a website where you can design your own protein bars, and the ingredients are real food, not loads of sugar alcohols, maltodextrins or artificial sweeteners. Instead you get things like peanut butter, almond butter, raisins, coconut, cacao, chia, flax, whey protein and so much more.

For those of you who own the Show and Go Nutrition Guide there is a bar I designed that I put in the Recommended Recipes section. It is awesome. I highly recommend these bars, and now to sweeten the deal even more, if you type in the coupon code “bspbars” you get 10% off!

Pretty sweet huh? Well that’s it for today guys, two cool announcements, so check them both out!

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Posted on February 11th, 2011 by Brian St. Pierre


  1. Wolf Says:

    I’m confused. Where do I get the Show & Go Nutrition Guide? I purchased Show & Go and there’s no nutrition guide included; clicking on the link in your post just goes to and there’s no mention of the nutrition guide there either.

  2. Brian St. Pierre Says:


    The Nutrition Guide is a separate purchase from the training system. After buying Show and Go you should have the option of purchasing the Nutrition Guide. If this didn’t happen then just shoot EC an email at and let him know, you can buy it straight from him. It has happened a few times. Sorry for the confusion.

  3. John Says:

    Brian-Have you tried the youshakes? Keep up the great work (and more recipes please).


  4. Brian St. Pierre Says:

    I have not, though I imagine they are probably quite good. Have you tried them?

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