FNCE and Going Green

Filed under: General Health, Nutrition

This past weekend, actually from Saturday until Tuesday, I was at the American Dietetic Association Food and Nutrition Conference & Expo. It was at the enormous and beautiful Boston Convention and Expo Center. I am so glad I get the student discount, because it is crazy expensive otherwise!

This was certainly an interesting experience, and I got to hear some great talks on how to succeed in private practice, saturated fat, heart disease, public policy and more. To be brutally honest, I was hoping for more cutting edge information that was unfortunately lacking.

In all actuality the greatest source of information that I found at the entire conference and expo was a simple guidebook from Stonyfield Farms called The Going Greener Guidebook. This book has some absolutely fascinating, unique, and simple ways to be more eco-friendly. Admittedly I could be better about this, so that may be why I found it so interesting.

It discusses things like an Earth-Friendly Diet, how to Green Your Home on a room by room basis, America’s Farms, easy ways to Reduce and Reuse and more. I learned some really neat things from this little guidebook.

When Anna and I buy a home, one thing I really want to do is have a small organic garden. I currently know little to nothing about gardening at all, let alone organic. This guidebook recommends the book Grow Organic, which will show “everything you need, from composting to seed saving.” Other areas of the guidebook give some other simple tips about composting, like using your coffee grinds, eggshells, newspapers and veggie scraps. This will also decrease your trash.

In the Green Your Home section they discuss how turning on your dishwasher at night will avoid peak energy rates, and during the summer this will keep excess humidity out of the kitchen. In the living room they talk about lowering the thermostat, utilizing drapes (in the winter, open them during the day to maximize the sun’s warmth, and at night close them to keep in warmth), utilizing the ceiling fan and more. In the bathroom the tip I found most interesting was to use recycled toilet paper. If every family in the US replaced one roll of conventional paper with a roll of 100% recycled tp, then 423,900 trees would be saved!

This guidebook is just chock full of simple and easy ways to make your lifestyle healthier and more eco-friendly. You can actually download or read the entire guidebook for free right here.

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Posted on November 10th, 2010 by Brian St. Pierre


  1. Manny Prieto Says:

    When I started to read this blog post I was disappointed that I didn’t pick that book up at the Expo, but then I saw at the bottom that it’s downloadable, which is great because not only is it greener than printing out all the pages, but it means one less thing I have to lug around and, as I’m sure you’ve observed, FNCE attendees often do bring a ton of free stuff home!

    Oh, and it was great to meet you at the conference this year. I love the blog, too! :)

  2. Brian St. Pierre Says:


    It was good to meet you as well, thanks for the kind words!


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