Guilt-Free Grilled Cheese

Filed under: Nutrition

Grilled cheese is an American staple. Who didn’t love a super buttery grilled cheese on white toast, with gobs of Kraft singles when they were a kid? It was delicious!

Unfortunately, white bread, Kraft singles made from dubious sources, and butter with annato (added to provide color because corn-based diets don’t provide adequate nutrition to do so) don’t exactly make for a top-notch health statement. Neither did adding  several slices of poorly produces, massively processed deli meat.

However, last night I was determined to make a healthy grilled cheese where I felt satisfied enough in its integrity to feed it to my pregnant wife.

Using a local grass-fed butter, I buttered up our grill pan and set to work. I dropped in 4 slices of Ezekiel sesame bread and let those toast for several minutes. I flipped them for a minute to get both sides a little action.

Then I placed two Organic Valley Mild Cheddar Cheese slices, and allowed them to melt nicely. While that was melting, I placed 3 slices of Applegate Farms Organic Roasted Turkey Breast in the pan to warm up a bit. Applegate Farms is a good company that makes quality meat products.

Once ready I tossed the turkey onto the slices with melted cheese, placed the cheese free slice on top and enjoyed! We had this paired with a zucchini soup, for a simple and delicious dinner that we will surely have again soon.

Guilt Free Grilled Cheese (for 1)

  • 1/2 tbsp grass-fed butter
  • 2 slices sprouted grain bread
  • 1 slice Organic Valley cheese slice of choice
  • 3 slices Applegate Farms organic deli meat of choice
  • Enjoy!

Also of note, Cressey Performance just completed an awesome promo video for their Elite Baseball Development Program. This video definitely makes me miss working their, as the vast majority of the guys interviewed are athletes whom I worked with on their training and nutrition.

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Posted on March 11th, 2011 by Brian St. Pierre

1 Comment

  1. Jimmy Says:

    Nice recipe Brian. That sounds like a winner. There are some classics that must stay in the diet. Thanks for sharing.

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