Kevin Youkilis Training at CP

Filed under: Training

Red Sox third baseman Kevin Youkilis is spending his second straight off-season at Cressey Performance, training to get ready for the upcoming season.

Kevin is a great guy, and he trains like an absolute beast. If possible, he sweats even more at CP than he does at Fenway!

On Monday, NESN (New England Sports Network) went in to CP and filmed Youk training and preparing for the season. Between EC’s training and a little nutrition support from yours truly, I think Youk is primed for his best season ever!

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Posted on January 13th, 2011 by Brian St. Pierre


  1. Paul Connolly Says:

    Hi Brian-

    With pro athletes like Youk often not getting out of the stadium until 11 PM or so after showering, doing interviews, etc… what types of snacks, meals, shakes, etc… are you advising he ingests?

    Keep up the great work Brian!


  2. Brian St. Pierre Says:


    Well since this is currently his off-season, that isn’t much of a problem! In reality my recommendations for athletes are not all that dissimilar for “regular” people. Clearly they have higher calorie and therefore macronutrient requirements, but actual foods are generally the same.

    In-season for baseball players can be tough because they travel so much. I advise guys to bring magic bullets with them, as well protein powder, nuts, oats and some fruit along with some other things. They can also buy some of these things wherever they are. They make lots of smoothies, simply because their choices are so limited.

    It also depends on what level they are, and what their income is. Some guys got a nice signing bonus and can therefore spend a little more going out to eat. Some guys have hardly any money at all, so we have to be more creative. Guys at the major league level are provided with tons of food, so it is easier for them.

    Make sense?

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