My New Training Program

Filed under: Training

I hope you guys enjoyed my little talk about reclaiming some of my youth yesterday. Not that I am old, but there is definitely a difference between being 22 and playing rugby everyday, whether it be practice or games, and being 26 with a baby on the way and a whole lot more responsibility!

Between life, work, school and my thesis work there is definitely a lot less time for me to train these days, and taking the time to write my own programs is pretty much not going to happen. Plus I will just modify it by week 2 anyway! While I don’t train quite like I did in college, I am definitely a much smarter and more efficient lifter, and I get in high quality sessions in about 45 minutes. I don’t mess around!

However it is absolutely awesome when I get to utilize a program written by some strength coaches that I trust. Obviously I have done many a program by EC and Tony, including Maximum Strength and Show and Go, and it is incredibly refreshing to do a program written by someone else. It keeps the training much more interesting and varied, and forces you to do some things that you might not program for yourself.

Another perfect example of this is Mike Westerdal and Elliot Hulse’s Lean Hybrid Muscle Reloaded. I have had a chance to look over an advance copy from them, and I liked it so much that I am going to put it to the test starting today! I like being an able to go to the gym and not have to think “what I am going to do today?”, but instead think “I am going to dominate what I am doing today!”

For those of you who don’t know Mike and Elliot, they are guys who not only talk the talk, but walk the walk. While many people in this industry are like real estate professors giving you advice when they don’t actually own any real estate, Mike and Elliot actually train people for a living.

Mike has competition bests of a 640 squat, 630 bench and a 600 deadlift at 242lbs, and has worked with thousands of clients. Elliot is a professional strongman, and runs his own gym in Florida. These are guys who have put their theories to the test.

I will admit that the program is a little higher volume than I am used to, but I think this will actually be a nice change of pace from the brief and intense sessions I generally program for myself. New stimuli will lead to new growth and results.

I also think that one of the best parts of this entire program are the video demonstrations of every single exercise you are asked to do. While I certainly know my way around the gym, there are a few new ones that even I had to check out, and they do an excellent job with the video content.

They also provide a quality nutrition component to coincide with the training programs, including some meal plans to simplify the process for you. In the end I would highly recommend this program to anyone looking to change their body composition, improve their health and increase their performance. In addition they are offering a great introductory sale price from today through this Friday at midnight, so check it out.

For more information, go to the Lean Hybrid Muscle Website.

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Posted on February 8th, 2011 by Brian St. Pierre

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