My Thoughts on Juicing

Filed under: General Health, Nutrition

Recently quite a few fitness experts have espoused the benefits of juicing.  While I do agree that it can be a good way to increase your produce consumption, if not done correctly it can end up just being an increase in sugar intake with much of the benefits of produce consumption conspicuously absent.

If you are using a juicer that removes the pulp of the fruit or vegetable then you are missing out on the benefits of the entire food – the fiber, some vitamins and minerals and even much of the phytonutrients and antioxidants – while giving you a more concentrated sugar intake.  In my opinion that is not a winning combination.

If you are going to juice produce I would recommend using something like a Vitamix or other high-powered blender that will completely liquify the entire produce so you aren’t just getting the juice and sugar.  In addition if you are simply blending the entire thing for added produce to your meals then that is totally cool as long as you keep the calorie content in check.  If you are doing this as a meal replacement then I would certainly encourage you to add a quality protein and some healthy fats and not do so for more than 1 meal per day, 2 at most on a day where you need something quick.

In the end even if you are blending the entire fruit and/or vegetable, juicing is not the be all end all, it is simply a nice adjunct to a balanced diet based on real, whole, minimally-processed plant and animal foods.

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Posted on February 29th, 2012 by Brian St. Pierre


  1. Good reads: | Evolutionary Health Systems Says:

    [...] My Thoughts On Juicing - Brian St. Pierre talks about pros and cons of juicing, and I agree. [...]

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