Planet Earth = Awesomeness

Filed under: Movie Review

OK, so this is going to have nothing at all to do with training or nutrition. As much as I love it (some might call it an obsession, semantics) it can be great to get away and focus on something else for a while. I am supposed to be studying for my CISSN test that is on Saturday to be a certified sports nutritionist, but instead I am holding study papers while being enthralled by an absolutely amazing show called Planet Earth.

I know Planet Earth is not new, coming out almost 2 years ago, but it never ceases to blow me away. It shows the staggering beauty, creativity, and fragility of our world. If you have never seen it I highly suggest you buy it for yourself for Christmas (or buy it for a loved one, and then “borrow” it). I got the DVD set last year at Christmas and it is one of the greatest gifts that I have ever received. I have probably seen each episode 5 times, but I get something new or something I hadn’t noticed or remembered from each viewing.

The earth is made up of some completely amazing creatures that have adapted to their environments in extraordinarily fascinating ways. It is actually mind boggling how nature does what it does. I may not be the world’s greatest conservationist, but I still appreciate the importance we must place on saving our planet. So, I am not trying to preach, and I hope it doesn’t come across that way, but definitely just check out Planet Earth, and prepare to be awed.

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Posted on December 4th, 2008 by Brian St. Pierre

1 Comment

  1. gavin allinson Says:

    I am taking my CISSN exam in 2 weeks time and instead I am on your blog LOL.

    Actually I was looking for extra practice exam questions.


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