Pork Chops, Quinoa and Green Beans

Filed under: General Health, Nutrition, Recipes

I wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year, I hope everyone had a good time. To kick off the new year right, I wanted to start off 2011 with a great new recipe.

A few nights ago my wife and I made a delicious meal of pork chops and green beans, and it was absolutely delicious. Pork is a vastly underrated meat that I feel has fallen out of vogue the past ten years or so.

Pork chops were something that I remember growing up with, that seems to have largely disappeared from the American Diet, probably due to the late 80’s/early 90’s fear of fat. While pork chops do contain more fat than chicken or turkey, who cares?

The majority of the fat is in the form of the monounsaturated oleic acid, just like in olive oil. They are a good source of 10 vitamins and minerals, and are an especially excellent source of several B vitamins, as well that brain-boosting and anti-inflammatory choline.

The problem with pork chops is that people tend to bread them with crappy carbs and cook them in crappy oils, but that is where I come in. We breaded our pork chops in quinoa flakes, cooked them in olive oil and had a delicious side of sauted green beans.

This is a delicious and easy recipe, that can be enjoyed with a nice glass of wine.

Pork Chops, Quinoa and Green Beans


  • Two 6-8oz pork chops (preferably pasture-raised or at least “naturally-raised”)
  • 1 whole pastured or omega-3 egg
  • ~1/2 cup quinoa flakes
  • 4 cups green beans
  • 1 tbsp pasture-raised butter
  • Redmond Real Salt, as desired
  • extra virgin olive oil spray (I like to use the Misto with my own olive oil)


Place the whole egg in a bowl and whip until well blended. Place the quinoa flakes on a small separate plate. With one pork chop at a time, dip in the egg, covering evenly. Then place the pork chop in the plate with the quinoa, covering it evenly. Repeat with second pork chop.

In a medium frying pan, spray with extra virgin olive oil and place on medium to medium-high heat. Place the pork chops in and cook until done. Flip occasionally and spray more olive oil as needed to help the quinoa brown, but not burn. Dash of salt as desired.

In a large frying pan place in the butter and let melt on medium to medium-high heat. Then drop in the green beans and stir around until the butter is evenly coated on them. Sea salt to taste. Cook until done and stir often. Cover if desired.

It’s pretty simple and tasty, provides plenty of high quality protein, healthy fats, quality carbs, fiber, 2 cups of veggies and so much more. Enjoy!

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Posted on January 1st, 2011 by Brian St. Pierre


  1. C Intern Pothier Says:

    Hey bud! Great recipe!

    I got an idea for you, could be a bit of a challenge for you too. Maybe you could write about nutrition for hiking the Appalachian Trail. The curve balls would be…
    -Calorie density per 1 oz of weight
    -Overall Weight
    -Ease of cooking ( IE; dehydrated etc)
    -Many meals are really processed, EasyMac, Ramen etc. It would be cool to see idea’s if you could come up with healthy, little to no process for meals!

    Enjoy 2011 bud! Congrats on the little girl on the way too. That’s amazing.


  2. Nate Says:

    Dumb question, but should the Quinoa be cooked already?

  3. Brian St. Pierre Says:


    No it should not be cooked.

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