Random Friday Thoughts

Filed under: General Health

Here is a little taste of awesomeness to have for the weekend. I spent all morning reading a book I’ve been meaning to get to since Christmas. Many of you know I love a lot of Jonny Bowden’s work, his book The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth was probably the single best thing I read in 2008, I recapped the best of the year here. Well this morning I read his book The Most Effective Natural Cures on Earth.

Given the title, it seems like it would be a tree-huggin hippie-loving book full of voodoo and rain dances. I assure you, it is not. Jonny lays down the law about simple changes you can make to your diet (ie – stop eating processed food products) and simple things you can take to supplement your diet that are backed by sound research.

The most common items prescribed in this wonderful book are fish oil, vitamin C, vitamin E, magnesium, zinc, and probiotics, along with some more esoteric items added in. I will even definitely be making a few changes to my routine after reading this book. There were some really interesting facts that I had never heard before such as: 4 celery sticks per day has been shown to lower blood pressure, cherries can help relieve gout pain, saw palmetto for BPH and much more. It was fascinating and I would highly recommend it. Whether you suffer from acne, hot flashes or post-traumatic stress disorder, Bowden provides some fantastic advice that can help you overcome whatever problem you may have.

Even though there are a lot of supplement recommendations in that book that I would completely agree with, there are a lot of really crappy supplements out there. We recently had a client come in who had gotten a free package of a Muscle-Tech product in one of her orders. Needless to say, the item was awful. I am amazed at how much useless shit they squeezed into one product. To read more, Tony blogged about the actual product here. We need people to realize that supplements will make little to no difference in your results if you aren’t making good food choices and portion sizes. Supplements are not the answer, use them judiciously to enhance, not replace your diet.

Also of note, one of our minor baseball clients was recently featured on the Precision Nutrition blog. Shawn Haviland was a Harvard kid drafted by the A’s that I had the pleasure to work with this off-season. Shawn put in a ton of effort and really changed his nutrition, training, his body and his performance. I helped Shawn a lot with his nutrition and I give him credit, he stuck to it and got great results. He is a great guy and you can learn more about him on his blog.

I was a hyperlink fiend today and that is all I’ve got. Have a great weekend folks.

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Posted on April 17th, 2009 by Brian St. Pierre

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  1. Random Friday Thoughts | Interesting Random Facts | Facts: Interesting Says:

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