Random Wednesday Thoughts

Filed under: General Health, Nutrition, Training

I am quite busy wrapping up most of my school work for the semester, but I do have a few random thoughts to throw at you guys today. I personally think they are quite stellar.

1. I love my new Jeep, but the gas mileage is killing me! I knew what I was getting into purchasing a Jeep. I know that they are not known for good gas mileage, but it is still a tough pill to swallow when you actually see it in person!

2. While eating lunch yesterday I happened to peruse through my wife’s SHAPE magazine, to see if they actually publish any good info or if it was the crap I was expecting. Yes I am aware that I probably shouldn’t admit this publicly.

Anyway, they had a little tidbit about good news for dairy lovers. Recently in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition a study suggested that women who consumed the most dairy had a 26% lower risk of heart attack compared to women who consumed the least.

The researchers believe that calcium, vitamin D and the type of fat in dairy (ie – saturated) may have played a role in protecting the heart, and they suggest aiming for three daily servings. Ok, that sounds great.

Then the stupidness ensues. The magazine goes on to recommend choosing skim milk over 2% to save 52 calories per cup. Um, hello McFly? The research pointed out that the fat in the milk may have been one of the protective elements and you are recommending nonfat milk? I just don’t get it. When are we going to get over this misplaced fear of total fat and saturated fat?

3. I had a new article published on T-nation this week. I think it is pretty sweet, check it out and let me know what you think.

4. Don’t forget that the $30 discount on Show and Go: High Performance Training to Look, Feel and Move Better ends tonight at midnight, so if you want to save some dough, act fast!

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Posted on December 1st, 2010 by Brian St. Pierre


  1. Ryan Says:

    The T-Nation article was great. It’s good to have some articles on that site that include real science, not bro-science.

  2. Chris Says:

    What are your thoughts on the latest study I saw on the news about too much vitamin D (i.e. over 600 IU) could be risky because of developing calcium deposits (or something like that)?


  3. Brian St. Pierre Says:


    Thanks, I appreciate it.

  4. Genevieve Says:

    At last! Someone with real extiprese gives us the answer. Thanks!

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    Yes, although I think I’d like it more without the sleeve.I’m in a VERY anti-one-sleeve mood right now. I’m not sure why. Perhaps it was Jlo’s recent black one-sleeve number. It frightened me.

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    Kudos to you! I hadn’t thought of that!

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