Show and Go Discounts and Accelerated Muscular Development

Filed under: Training

Today is chock full of some sweet announcements, especially with the holidays coming up. EC just let me know that his newest product Show and Go: High Performance Training to Look, Feel and Move Better is now on sale for $30 off the normal price through Wednesday night at midnight. Pick up a copy for yourself right here and the discount will be automatically applied.

After seeing the results this program has given people, including some top-notch strength coaches, I think I too will put it to the test in the very near future. I am just not sure if I will do the 3x or 4x/week plan. Thoughts?

Beyond Show and Go, my good friend Jim Smith of the Diesel Crew has created a 16 minute FREE video showcasing technique work, injury reduction, Autoregulation and more. It is some topnotch stuff to help you maximize your training and get the most out of your sessions.

This video highlights his awesome Accelerated Muscular Development Program 2.0, so do yourself a favor and watch this FREE video.

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Posted on November 30th, 2010 by Brian St. Pierre


  1. Dorita Says:

    My boys (6th and 8th grade)love scouts, and they are very heialvy into sports. During Lacrosse season, they hardly go.(Unless it rains) During the winter they go every week and try to earn some badges Both say they are going to try and make Eagle, we’ll see. We are hoping next year during 9th grade the older one will make more meetings as sports will be more in the afternoon. My kids have learned auto mechanics, first aid, they’ve shot shot guns and bow and arrows, camped in a tent without adults, met astronauts, made their own food, learned fire and axe safety, swam a mile, come home from a weekend camping trip smelly and dirty, and loving every minute. I’d say it was worth all the struggles getting them there, and it was way, way more fun than cub scouts.

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    Anecdotally, a friend of mine who's an architect confirms the observation above, that the only work available at the moment is government work, and to bid successfully on that work, your firm has got to have the right ehnic/racial/gender profile.Since there are very few black architects, but lots of female architects, what this means is that the women are really cleaning up relative to the men. I believe testing 99 has made the point that that the benefits of AA often go to white female professionals, a class of people whose history of societal oppression (as victims, I mean) is less than entirely convincing. Case in point.

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