Simple Tips for Good Nutrition

Filed under: General Health, Nutrition

1. Eat Real Food.

I really can’t stress this one point enough. It is my number one rule, and it covers the vast majority of your nutrition needs and questions. If you just focus on foods that have been eaten for thousands of years, foods that we have become accustomed to eating, foods that you could hunt, fish, pluck, grow or ferment then eat it. This will provide you with a boatload of nutrient dense foods; tons of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, phytonutrients, antioxidants, essential fats and more to create vibrant long-term health.

2. Spice it Up!

Now more than ever I have been adding more spices and herbs to my food, it has been awesome! Too often people believe that eating healthy equals eating boring, and this could not be further from the truth. Adding simple spices like Real Sea Salt, oregano, turmeric, cinnamon, thyme, rosemary, basil, Montreal Chicken Seasoning, Montreal Steak Seasoning (the list could go on forever) will really make your food pop! For some great recipes, check out Gourmet Nutrition and Body By Eats.

3. Prepare Your Own Food.

Many people are reliant on food provided by work, or the building cafeteria, or eating out every day. This can be detrimental to your health and body composition goals. Without preparing your own food how can you be sure of the quality of the food, let alone everything it was cooked with? Making your own meals, or most of them at least, allows you to determine exactly what and how much you are eating. You are in control of your own intake. This may seem daunting, but if you learn to make meals in bulk, like My Wife’s Chili recipe, and maybe bring a smoothie or two to work, that covers a good majority of your eating with little daily effort. Now get cooking!

Put those three tips to use and you will find yourself feeling better, looking better and enjoying food more than ever!

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Posted on March 24th, 2010 by Brian St. Pierre


  1. Mr. B Says:

    I could not agree more with this post from Mr. St. Pierre. As much as I ran my mouth about the China Study, I will say that the #1 thing that Americans need to do is to avoid the massive amounts of processed foods that we are consuming, especially the white sugar and white flour products.

    When scientists, trainers, doctors, and other experts disagree on a topic, it often helps to look at what they actually AGREE on.

    Take two guys that have TOTALLY different views on diet – the late Dr. Atkins and T. Colin Campbell. Guess what? They both advise their readers to AVOID white flour and white sugar products.

  2. Great links for the weekend! Says:

    [...] “back to basics” with Brian St Pierre for some simple reminders for how to maintain good nutrition.  Thanks [...]

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