The #1 Reason You Aren’t Getting Better

Filed under: General Health, Nutrition, Training

Eric Cressey has just created a new video entitled The #1 Reason You Aren’t Getting Better. As usual from EC it absolutely fantastic stuff! The best part is, it is completely free. No pitch, no opt-in, just pure, original, top-notch content from one of the best strength coaches in the world.

Eric will show you why you are not:

  • Stronger
  • Leaner
  • Adding Muscle
  • Becoming More Athletic

Sound like a plan?

—> The #1 Reason You Aren’t Getting Better <—

On an entirely different note I have been getting absolutely hammered in fantasy football this year. I am 3-3 in the Cressey Performance League, and an abysmal 2-4 in a league with my long-time friends from home. Plain and simple, I did not do enough research or preparation for the draft this year. It simply was not high on my priority list.

However the point of this isn’t to discuss my futility in drafting football players. The point is that sometimes there are things in life that must take the backburner. It doesn’t mean you abandon them, it just means that they are not something that consumes a large portion of your life.

For example lifting used to completely consume my life. In college I built my class schedule around my training and rugby practices. It was one the most important things in my life.

Today things have changed a bit. I am getting my Master’s, in an internship full-time, have a wife, pets and 5 month old daughter (who is just a doll) in addition to blogging and working with my stable of online clients. My own training (and fantasy football unfortunately) is no longer paramount.

Training is still important to me, it is now just lower on the food chain. I still manage to lift 2-4x/wk (let’s be honest, rarely 4, usually 3), and ensure that those lifts are as efficient as possible. Not a whole lot of fluff in my training. Most days I am training by 6:15am, and I have about 45 minutes to foam roll, warm-up and go. I am also active on the weekends as we go for family walks and hikes, just not quite the same intensity as it used to be.

While my fitness and health are incredibly important to me, being the strongest guy in the gym no longer is. I still enjoy training for strength, but I am content merely be strong, rather than the strongest. Some may call this soft, I simply call it recognizing that my life and my priorities have changed, and my training with it.

The whole point of this post is make clear that though we are all busy, and even the most fitness-oriented of us find it a challenge to exercise as much as we would like, it should still be an integral part of your life. You must MAKE time for it, because I can promise you that you won’t be able to find the time for it. While I certainly understand if you don’t build your daily schedule around it like I once did, it should still actually be in your schedule.

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Posted on October 18th, 2011 by Brian St. Pierre

1 Comment

  1. Hilda Says:

    I’ve been using this pgarrom for about 4 weeks now and have lost 12 pounds and 3 inches off my waste. Very happy with the results.

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