Training: BSP Style

Filed under: Training

I have had a few readers request to see what my training program looks like, so I have decided over the next few weeks to give you a glimpse of what it means to train BSP style.

There are a few things to keep in mind though when looking at my training. I have been training hard for about 10 years, and training well for about 5. I am pretty comfortable with my strength levels and aesthetics, so mainly I just train because I enjoy it and to be strong and healthy. I no longer plan my day around my gym sessions, nor do I spend an inordinate amount of time training. I get in, do my thing, and go home.

I also rotate exercises from month to month and sometimes week to week. I am not a fan of volume, as I find I respond best to relatively short and intense sessions, not 8 sets of 8 reps. Volume just makes me feel like crap.

You will also see I don’t do a ton of specific conditioning. I train at a fast enough pace to jack up my heart rate and sweat my butt off, as well as walking the dog several miles several days per week. I am also on my feet a ton at work.

Monday – Upper Body Day

Pre Work – Foam Roll at home, Dynamic Warm-up at gym

A1. Close Grip Bench Press – 2×3, 1×6-8

A2. Chinups – 2×3, 1×6-8

B1. Feet Elevated Band Resisted Pushups – 3×12

B2. Standing 1-Arm Cable Rows – 3×12/side

C1. BB Curls – 2×8

C2. Ab Wheel Iso Holds – 2x20s

D. 2 sets of corrective work of choice

Nothing too fancy on this day. I chose to do close grip bench this month because I haven’t done it in like a year, so it was a nice change of pace. I also threw in some bb curls because they are fun, and who doesn’t like doing a few sets of curls? Not an arms day mind you, just a few sets.

As you can see, not a ton of volume, and 6 exercises is usually my limit, with a little corrective stuff tossed in. Sometimes on days when I am really pressed for time, I will just do 4 compound exercises. I can bang out one of those days in 30 minutes even with the foam roll and warmup, so those are good to keep in your backpocket when pressed for time.

Later on this week or next week I will show what my Lower Body and Upper/Total Body training days look like. Please feel free to post any questions in the comments section!

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Posted on October 6th, 2010 by Brian St. Pierre


  1. Neal Says:

    At my underground gym we only have cable columns with immovable cable set up heights, only high or low no in between. In a roundabout way, is performing the standing 1 arm cable row at these heights viable or would it best for me to use a band which I can set up at any height?


  2. Brian St. Pierre Says:


    It could be viable, but more care would have to be taken to ensure that your are pulling that scap down and back. Since it is no longer a straight pull that can be more difficult.

    There are many other 1-arm row variations you can do in place if you find it too awkward – db rows, chest supported db rows, seated cable rows, standing bent rows, head supported rows, etc.


  3. Irene Says:

    I am totally wowed and prearped to take the next step now.

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