Training: BSP Style, Day II

Filed under: Training

Last Wednesday I wrote about what a normal Upper Body day my look like for me. I noted how I am not a fan of volume, or lots of extra conditioning.

My Lower Body days are much the same mindset. These days I bang out a few quality sets and call it a day. I will note that I do spend quite a while warming up when I squat or deadlift. I will do roughly 5-6 warm up sets before I even start counting them as work sets.

This allows me to groove my pattern, bar speed and continue to warm up my joints and CNS. It makes a world of difference for me.

Wedneday – Lower Body Day

Pre Work: Foam Roll at home, Dynamic Warm-up at gym

A1. Back Squat – 2×3, 1×5-6

A2. Various Mobility – Wall Hip Flexor Mobilizations, No Money Drill – 3×8 (/side) of each

B1. Walking DB Lunges – 3×6-8/side

B2. Usually catching my breath, some various corrective work – Side Lying External Rotations – 3×12/side

C1. KB Swings – 3×20 (I only have a 35lber, but I am asking for a bigger one for Christmas)

C2. Turkish Get-Ups – 3×5/side

To be totally honest I don’t even always do that much volume. On days when I am feeling a little beat up or run down, I may just do 2 sets of lunges and 2 sets of swings. It is really based on how I feel.

To me the take home point is that your training does not have to be overly complicated, with crazy half-cocked exercises. Train hard (and smart) and eat real food and that will take care of so many things.

I will wrap this up with my Total Body/Upper Body day that finishes off my training week. If anybody has any questions or wants to see any more reasoning behind any of the program, just let me know!

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Posted on October 14th, 2010 by Brian St. Pierre


  1. Jeff Brewster Says:


    If you only tend to use kettlebells for swings and TGU’s, then you may like the following product

    It offers a bit broader range than one fixed-weight kettlebell while also taking up even less space than a set of several KB’s. For the diehard kettlebell enthusiast, this product may not be one their keen on but for someone who simply supplements their training with a bit of kettlebell work, this would be a solid product.

    Of course if the 62-pound weight on the “high” end is not sufficiently challenging for some of your intended uses, then please disregard this entire post, hah, hah.

    On a side note, I wanted to throw out a nutrition question that perhaps you could answer in a future blog post. On the topic of eggs, I don’t feel a need to consume them to add protein to my diet, but the yolks are nutritional gems, so I was thinking of reintroducing more of them into my diet as part of the fat sources I work in and out throughout the week. While the biotin-binding protein avidin is noted as one reason why the whites of the egg should be cooked, is there any reason why I can’t just crack anywhere from one to three eggs, dump the whites (or lightly cook them if I have the time and inclination), scoop out the yolks and consume them raw by either downing them straight or mixing them in a protein shake?

  2. Jeff Brewster Says:

    Sorry for the second post, Brian, but I wanted to add on to that last one……I have a few friends who claim to not tolerate eggs so well. Since I was asking about separating the yolks and the whites, are you at all familiar with which portion (or would it likely be the entire egg) that is likely responsible for the sensitization to eggs experienced by some folks.

    My unscientific theory would be that the white would seem to be more of a potential trigger than the yolk, since the white contains trypsin inhibitors (albeit this is likely more of a potential issue if lightly cooking the eggs for a short duration). As such, I speculated that perhaps it might be possible for someone with a food sensitivity to eggs to consume only the yolks without issue. Thus far I have never had one of my friends with a sensitivity to eggs try it and report back.

  3. Brian St. Pierre Says:


    That kettlebell tool looks quite interesting, definitely something to look into.

    As for the allergy/intolerance to eggs. If they have a true egg allergy then I am not so sure that it makes any difference on whether it is the white or the yolk.

    If it is an egg intolerance, it can be either one really. I would say it is an area of trial and error. Test to see which part bothers you, and go from there. Not an exact science, but it can work as you stated that people with an egg sensitivity ditched the whites and were fine. Though I know some people have problems with the yolks.

    Something to look into might be an ALCAT test to be more certain, but the trial and error method is certainly more cost-effective!


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