What Are the Best Grocery Store Eggs?

Filed under: General Health, Nutrition

This is a question I get asked a lot, and it is one that has always been hard to answer. Obviously getting local eggs from farmer’s markets or directly from local farms that allow their chickens to pasture, eat grubs and whatever else they please.

However, this isn’t always feasible, even for me. So, what do you choose?

Fortunately a client of mine pointed me in the right direction. Many of you should be familiar with The Cornucopia Institute, as I have linked many times to their report on organic dairies. It is my go to resource for helping clients find quality grass-fed dairy in their area.

However, I had never realized that they researched more than just dairy! They also did a report on organic egg producers, which was absolutely fantastic. It was very eye-opening, and will cause me to change my grocery store egg choice.

Now that it is summer, I will have access to tremendous eggs that are locally grown and allowed to do their thing. In the winter though, the grocery store is what we turn to. Plus there are just times when you get in a bind and just need some eggs, so this report has been very helpful to me, and can be very helpful to all of you as well.

Check out the Cornucopia Institute Organic Egg Scorecard, and make an informed choice.

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Posted on May 27th, 2011 by Brian St. Pierre


  1. John Says:

    Brian- I have been wondering this for some time myself. Great reference, but the next question is what is the cost/benefit? My girlfriend and I probably go through almost 50 eggs per week so the incremental cost of the pricier brands can really add up. How do I decide if it’s worth it? Buying fresh veggies and grass fed beef in downtown Chicago already produces a hefty bill.

  2. Conrad Says:

    Dammit, I’ve been using Egg Innovations when I can’t get to the market/CSA, and they’re a 1/5! Thanks for the head’s up! I’ll be referencing that list next time I buy store eggs.

  3. Lacey Says:

    Joe,Despite the good price will pass on the mood ring. I never had any luck with the ones for humans. You may (wisely) not be a follower of the Royal Family? or may not remember that Prince Charles got quite a bit of mixed press well over a decade ago when it was learned that he talks to plants and believed that improved their mood. Botany and Psychology are an unusual pair.btw, if he was the first royal to earn a degree, thats asinhisntog!Roy

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    Once you choose a car or truck. Spend a little money and have the car inspected by a mechanic of your choice. If buying from a dealer, still take it to your own mechanic.

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    Mitä mä olen niitä UGGeja ja "kopiota" nähnyt niin ihan todella rumannäköiset kengät. En todellakaan ymmärrä mikä niissä viehättää. Huopikkaatkin on paremman näköiset vaikka nekään ei nyt ihan kaikista kauneimmat mahdolliset ole. Vaikka ei tosiaan rumatkaan ja toimii tietyissä kokonaisuuksissa tosi hyvin.- Tero

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    This insight’s just the way to kick life into this debate.

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