A Comprehensive Day in the Life

Filed under: General Health, Nutrition

While I have done many Day in the Life blogs, but today I wanted to do one that was a little more in depth than prior efforts. I will break down macros and calories for each meal, as well as provide a more thorough review of what other steps I take to improve my health and that of my family.

Ok, so let’s get down to it. Here is an example of a training day for me right now.

Wake @ 5:00

Breakfast @ 5:15

  • ½ tbsp grass-fed butter from a local farm
  • 5 whole pastured eggs from a local farm
  • 2 Ezekiel sesame sprouted grain toast
  • 2 tsp Betsy’s of Maine Organic Apple Butter (organic – apples, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves)
  • 1 banana
  • 2oz POM Wonderful pomegranate juice
  • 16oz water
  • 12oz black coffee
  • 1 multivitamin
  • 2,000IU vitamin D
  • 1 tsp Carlson’s fish oil
  • 1 probiotic

Calories – 710   Protein – 40   Carbohydrates – 70   Fiber – 10   Fat – 30

Gym @ 6:15-7:00

  • water as desired

Post-Training Meal @ 9:00

  • 2 cups Stonyfield Whole Milk organic plain yogurt (or raw from local farm)
  • 1 scoop Jay Robb vanilla whey protein
  • 2 tbsp organic chia seeds
  • 1 cup mixed fresh berries (usually blueberries and strawberries, organic if possible)
  • 2 tbsp nuts (either almonds and pecans, or walnuts)
  • 16oz water
  • 12oz black coffee

Calories – 670   Protein – 50   Carbohydrates – 50   Fiber – 12   Fat – 30

Lunch @ 1:00

  • 1 Ezekiel sprouted grain tortilla wrap
  • 2 tbsp basil extra virgin olive oil pesto
  • 1 100 calorie pack Wholly guacamole
  • 1 large handful organic baby spinach
  • 1 organic chicken breast, cut and seasoned
  • 10 baby carrots
  • 2 tbsp hummus
  • 1 apple
  • 16oz water
  • 16oz green tea

Calories – 830   Protein – 65   Carbohydrates – 75   Fiber – 17   Fat – 30

Mid-Afternoon Tea @ 3:00

  • 16oz green tea

Dinner @ 6:00

  • 10oz organic chicken thighs
  • ~2 tbsp honey bourbon marinade
  • 1/2 cup (cooked) brown and wild rice
  • 3.5 cups organic romaine and spinach
  • 1/2 cup chopped carrots
  • 1/2 cup chopped local cucumbers
  • handful organic whole wheat croutons
  • ~2 tbsp organic ranch dressing using expeller pressed canola oil
  • 1 large peach
  • 16oz water
  • 1 Shipyard Pumpkinhead beer (delicious!) or 5oz red wine (~150 calories)

Calories – 835   Protein – 55   Carbohydrates – 60   Fiber – 10   Fat – 25

Bed @ 9:00-10:00

Total Intake

Calories – 3045   Protein – 210   Carbohydrates – 255  Fiber – 49   Fat – 115

Daily Routine

So now you know what, when and how much I eat. But how do I actually make it all happen, and what other steps do I take to try to maximize the health benefits and minimize health risks in my life (two big ones are always buckling up, and flossing daily)?

My day starts with me getting up quite early, though its not too bad when you wake up to a Biobrite Dawn Simulating Alarm Clock. I have my coffee ready to go the night before and is programmed to be made at 4:55, so it is ready when I get up. A nice little time saver in the morning. I then make and eat my breakfast, which I have down to a science, taking me a total of 15 minutes.

Now begins the actual preparations for my day. First thing I do is make my yogurt and protein powder meal. This gets mixed into a Pyrex No Leak glass tupperware, avoiding any potential issues with plastic.

Then I make my lunch. The carrots and hummus also go into pyrex glass tupperware, while the actual wrap gets covered in tin foil.

Finally, I prepare my beverages for the day. First I pour my other 12oz of coffee into my OXO Good Grips LiquiSeal Travel Mug, which will keep it hot for hours. Then I pour 32oz of filtered water into my 32oz stainless steel Nalgene container. I should point out that all of the water I drink is filtered with my Culligan faucet filter, including my water for my coffee. Though to be even more honest, the water for my tea is usually not, as I use whatever water is available where I am at.

This food prep takes me a total of 10-15 minutes including getting everything out of the fridge, put together, organized in my lunch box and put away. I also pack a few recycled napkins to top it off.

Other items of note, all of my fruit as well as most of my vegetables are washed with Citrus Magic Veggie Wash.

In terms of variety I will change up the berries in my yogurt, and will sometimes even use strawberry protein powder instead of vanilla. At lunch I will often utilize different pieces of fruit, and will sometimes use different condiments in the wrap.

Dinner is where the greatest variety comes in. My wife and I try to have grass-fed red meat 2x/wk, wild-caught seafood 2x/wk, organic pork 1x/wk, and organic chicken 2x/wk. We also vary the starch source, often using potatoes cooked multiple ways, sweet potatoes, quinoa, etc. While we have been doing a lot of salads right now, in the winter we tend to do more cooked and steamed vegetables.

Any questions or comments? I am always open to suggestions.

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Posted on September 6th, 2011 by Brian St. Pierre


  1. Rick Says:

    Really interesting Brian! What is your training like while eating like this?

  2. Brian St. Pierre Says:


    I currently train 3x/wk, doing an upper/lower/total body split. Generally MWF. As you can see I get my entire lift done in about 45 minutes, including foam rolling and warm up.

    I tend to do roughly 15-20 work sets per session, including core work, but not including corrective work like external rotations or mobility work done in between sets.

    I work pretty fast and don’t mess around. It’s early so I don’t really spend any time chatting it up!


  3. Jeremy Partl Says:


    I noticed that you spread out you intake of macronutrrients throughout the day, with not much emphasis around the PW meal. I know you work with PN and it seems to go against thier habits. Is it more of an individualization thing?

    Also, to add more calories, what would you do? Would you add more to each meal in the same proportions that you have for each meal? Or would you add another meal?



  4. Fotis Says:

    Great post Brian!

    I really like reading about the days of successful guys and I am happy reading about yours!

    One question,I was thinking about finally investing in a water filter and I saw that you are already using one. Is it really that easy to set up as the ads claim? Also do you have any reliable sources on why we should make the transition? I have read many different things online but I respect your opinion a lot and I would like your suggestion!

    Cheers bro!

  5. Brian St. Pierre Says:


    While I respect the PN team and JB, and they were one of my earliest inspirations to join this field, I do not actually work with them.

    I am definitely not a big believer in the “post-workout window,” as the research does not really support it. I think it is a good idea to bookend your training with high quality balanced meals, but the timing is not as vital as some make it out to be. Total intake is still king.

    Even in PN, once you become more advanced they no longer are so strict with the meal set up. Look through Gourmet Nutrition 2, and you will see that many of the Anytime meals have a moderate amount of carbs.

    To add more calories I would most likely just add more to each meal. I prefer to eat less often, as my life is not dominated by food, and I am not constantly thinking about my next meal. I could always have one last meal before bed as another option. That would be an easy area for me to add another 250-500 calories (or more) if I wanted.


  6. Brian St. Pierre Says:


    It is very easy to set up, it takes less than 5 minutes all told. I have a filter from the same company in my shower as well.

    While I don’t have research studies to link you to per se, you can read this from the National Resources Defense Council – http://www.nrdc.org/water/drinking/gfilters.asp. It will also link you to ways to get your water tested and what you should look for to solve your problems.

    One big reason we got it was because when my wife got pregnant we were living in a really old house, like turn of the century old, with lead pipes. The lead made me nervous, and an activated carbon filter like the Culligan will remove 99% of lead as well other heavy metals, bacteria and more.

    Plus it is cheap and makes the water taste better, which is a win win.


  7. Michelle Says:

    Thanks Brian! As always, you inspire me to be better. Thanks for showing us how it’s done!

  8. Ronell Says:


    I really enjoyed this piece. I am still following your guidance from the Show & Go nutrition guide. Taught me a great deal.

    I’m certain you are enjoying fatherhood.

    All the best.


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    [...] my recent Day in the Life blog post outlining the fact that I consume 2 cups of yogurt per day on most days, I think the final [...]

  10. The Home of BSP Training & Nutrition » Blog Archive » Should You Filter Your Drinking Water? Says:

    [...] my recent Day in the Life I mentioned how I filter my drinking water with a simple activated carbon faucet filter. I use [...]

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