DSV Ultimate Cookies

Filed under: General Health, Nutrition, Recipes

After yesterday’s monster post, I will give all you guys with short attention spans some love. CP client and fitness enthusiast (to say the least) Danny Verna has come up with an incredible cookie recipe that I thought I would share with you guys.

These cookies are not for the faint of heart, but can be modified in many ways to suit your needs/food availability.

DSV Ultimate Cookies

Directions: Preheat over to 350. Mix all ingredients together in small bowl. Prepare as bars or cookies and bake as directed.The cookie dough will be thick but still sticky. Drop dough by portion size desired onto a cookie sheet sprayed with extra virgin olive oil from Misto sprayer. If desired sprinkle Truvia/Stevia/Sun Crystals on top of cookies. Bake 8-10 minutes. Although the dough is dark, you will be able to see a slight brown edge when they are cooked. You can eat them warm or cooled.
Makes 6 Large or 12 Small servings.
Nutrition Facts (based on 1 Large cookie)
  • Calories      605
  • Fat              36 grams
  • Carbs          38 grams
  • fiber            10 grams
  • Protein        38 grams
On a related note, if you want some high-quality pre-made cookies (albeit low protein) then definitely check out Kashi TLC Oatmeal Dark Chocolate Cookies. Maybe not the world’s greatest food, but for a cookie you could do a lot worse. Enjoy!

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Posted on March 17th, 2010 by Brian St. Pierre


  1. Steph Says:

    Verna BAKES? Is there nothing he can’t do??

  2. Emily St. Pierre Says:

    hmmmm, I’ll have to see if Laura wants to try making these for me!! =)

  3. Danny Says:

    I can’t really run. and….well yeah, that’s it.

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