Online Training & Nutrition Consulting – 20% OFF!

Filed under: General Health, Nutrition, Training

Today I wanted to do something a little out of the ordinary. With the New Year upon us and many people making their resolutions to improve their health, body composition and performance, I want to let you know that I am here to help.

I just recently wrapped up some consulting with a few clients, and had some spots open up. I figured with the New Year, that people might be interested in my online coaching services. To top it off, I have even decided to offer a 20% discount on my services, for anyone who signs up before Jan 31!

This is includes a discount on any of my online nutrition consulting services, as well as my online training services. Below is a general idea of what my nutrition and training services include:


  • Comprehensive Nutrition Questionnaire – this provides me with your likes, dislikes, allergies, intolerances, and more to help me customize the consultation specifically to you!
  • Complete Dietary Analysis – this provides me a snapshot of your normal dietary intake, and I provide you thorough and detailed feedback to maximize your results.
  • BSP Nutrition Tips & Guidelines Packet - you will learn the nutrition principles to guide you through your lifetime, and dispel so many myths and misconceptions along the way! This packet along with my feedback on your actual eating habits will teach you the skills to make you nutritionally bullet proof.
  • Personalized Meal Plans built specifically for you, no cookie-cutters here!
  • Unlimited Email Access to my personal account 24/7.
  • Training programs written by me to work synergystically with your unique nutrition program, all specifically designed for your needs and goals.


  • Comprehensive questionnaire covering your health and injury history, prior training experience, your goals and your schedule. We will look at postural photos, any videos you can send of you performing exercises and more to ensure you maximize the effectiveness of the training.
  • Video demonstrations and/or pictures with descriptions of how to properly perform every exercise I program for you.
  • Personalized One-Month Training Programs built specifically for you, based upon all the information gathered in your questionnaire. Each program will cover proper warmups, soft tissue work, dynamic mobility, recovery modalities, corrective exercise and whatever training modalities your goals warrant; fat loss, strength, power, mass, athletic, general fitness, etc.
  • Unlimited Email Access to my personal account 24/7.
  • I bring the knowledge and the ability to put the whole package together. You just need to bring the attitude and effort!
  • Nutrition Programs written by me to work synergystically with your personal training program, catered specifically to your needs and goals.

If you are interested in my specific consulting offerings at 20% off, please shoot me an email at

For those of you skeptical of working with me online, I have worked with dozens of clients online, from all over the world, and here is what a few of them had to say:

“I can’t say enough good things about working with Brian!  I will admit, I was a bit skeptical about working online/from a distance with someone for nutrition purposes, but Brian quickly put that skepticism at bay.   I was most impressed with the amount of time he took talking to me in our initial phone consult and then all the subsequent emails answering any question I had in a very timely fashion.  There was no cut and paste programs here–he really focuses on you as the individual.   His feedback on all my nutrition logs was incredibly detailed and extremely helpful for making the necessary positive changes to reach my goals.  I also loved all the recipes he gave me.  I had a real issue eating unhealthy snacks because I lacked the knowledge/creativity to create healthier more interesting snacks.  Brian gave me so many options for easy to create, healthy snacks that filled a real void in my daily diet.  I highly recommend working with him!”

Jeanne Higgins, Seattle, WA

“In late March 2010 I contacted Brian St. Pierre for a nutritional consultation hoping that he could assist me in cleaning up my diet.  At the time I felt as if my eating habits were “good” but I was certainly aware that they could be better.  Brian was thorough and exhaustive in his evaluation and critique of my eating habits and provided me with the perfect ideas on how I could alter my diet to achieve my goals.  What I liked the most about Brian’s services is that he didn’t try to totally revamp my current ways but instead offered ideas and insights into how I could do things better.  He worked with my food choices and how I schedule my meals and provided me with a path to success that I am confident will last forever.”

Joe O’Leary, Brighton, MA

“After working with Brian, I can say, without a doubt, that it was the best decision I’ve made for my training in a long time.  Being a facility owner, I found myself neglecting my own training, and when I did train, I only did the exercises that I favored the most.  I decided to get in touch with Brian because of two reasons 1) having visited CP before, I knew how creative Brian could be with his programming, and 2) he had the nutritional knowledge to back it up!

The results speak for themselves – in 3 months of being a training/nutrition client with Brian I not only added 7.7 pounds of lean weight, but I also increased my Front Squat by 27.5 pounds, my 3RM Chin Up by 14.3 pounds and my Deadlift by 17.6 pounds – all this after I broke my finger the first week of the program, was put into surgery in the second week, and couldn’t do any grip intensive work until after the first month!

The best result, though, was that Brian showed me how to make quality food choices, and helped me develop solid nutritional habits – something that will last with me throughout my whole life.  If you’re on the edge of deciding whether to use Brian or not, my advice is just do it – you won’t regret it.”

James Garland, Strength Coach, Australia

Again, this is a limited time offer, so if you are interested in hearing more about my services, please contact me at What do you have to lose?

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  1. Weekly updates and exclusive content.
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Posted on January 10th, 2011 by Brian St. Pierre


  1. The Home of BSP Training & Nutrition » Blog Archive » Another Awesome Grass-Fed Butter Says:

    [...] started  I wanted to provide a final reminder that today is the last chance to capitalize on my 20% OFF Online Training & Nutrition Consulting! Shoot me an email at, and let’s get your training or [...]

  2. sexing Says:

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