Warp Speed Asian Turkey & Broccoli

Filed under: Nutrition, Weight Loss

With this being my 4th blog post this week, I think it just might be a record. Anyway, to the real story. This is a recipe that I picked up from Warp Speed that I really enjoy. I’ve modified it a little bit, adding the seasonings that I like and the mushrooms, so feel free to experiment and let me know how it comes out.

Asian Turkey and Broccoli


  • 8oz 97% lean ground turkey (or beef)
  • 2 cups chopped broccoli
  • 1 cup chopped mushrooms
  • 1 tbsp Sesame Oil
  • 1.5 tbsp reduced-sodium soy sauce
  • garlic powder to taste
  • ginger powder to taste


Brown turkey on med to medium high heat (you can go higher if using stainless steel or cast iron cooking pan, for non stick I would stay there) in the sesame oil and soy sauce. Once meat is approximately halfway cooked, add in broccoli and mushrooms and stir. Sprinkle on powders and stir some more until evenly distributed. Enjoy.

There you go. Another delicious and easy recipe. Even if you aren’t following Warp Speed, you can enjoy this meal as is, or add in 1/2 cup whole or wild rice to spice it up even more.

Posted on January 9th, 2009 by Brian St. Pierre


Warp Speed Nutrition – Modified BSP Style

Filed under: Nutrition, Weight Loss

I have taken the great template set up by Mike Roussell in Warp Speed Fat Loss, and made it even better. At least in my opinion. Let me know what you think. So far the diet has been a walk in the park. If ever do get hungry before I am set to eat again, I just drink some green tea. Here is my “high carb” day today.

Wake @ 7:45

Breakfast @ ~8:30

  • 2 whole omega-3 eggs
  • 1 cup egg whites
  • 1.5 cups mixed veggies – broccoli, onions, orange and green peppers
  • 1oz shredded reduced-fat mozzarella
  • 2 tbsp salsa
  • 1 small McIntosh apple
  • 24oz water
  • 2 Stash Fusion Green/White Tea
  • 1.2 grams EPA/DHA, 2,000 IU vitamin D, 1 multi
Staple Warp Speed Snack

Staple Warp Speed Snack

Snack @ 11:30

  • 3 pieces reduced-fat string cheese
  • 12 almonds
  • 9 baby carrots
  • 2 tbsp original hummus
  • 1 raspberry green tea

Lunch @ 2:00

  • 2/3 cup Friendship Digestive Health cottage cheese
  • 1/2 cup frozen raspberries
  • 1 scoop Vanilla Metabolic Drive
  • 3 tbsp chopped walnuts
  • 1 Tazo Green Tea

Dinner @ 5:00

  • 1 low carb wrap (9 grams carbs, 4 grams fiber)
  • 2 tbsp evoo pesto
  • 1 tbsp guacamole
  • 1 chicken breast
  • 1 cup baby spinach
  • 1/4 cup chopped tomato
  • 1.2 grams EPA/DHA
  • 1 Tazo Green tea
Great Wrap Addition

Great Wrap Addition

During Training @ 7:00

  • 20oz water
  • 2 scoops Grape ICE
  • 5 grams leucine
  • 3.5 grams creatine

Post Training @ 9:00

  • 16oz water
  • 1 scoop Chocolate MD
  • 3.5 grams creatine
  • 5 grams leucine
  • 1 banana (30 grams carbs)
  • 1 small McIntosh apple (15 grams carbs)
Delicious Carbs

Delicious Carbs

Pre Bed @ 11:30

  • 2/3 cup same cottage cheese
  • 1/2 cup Libby pumpkin
  • 1 scoop Vanilla MD
  • 1 tbsp milled flax
  • cinnamon and nutmeg
  • 1 red tea
  • 2 celery stalks
  • 1 tbsp natural pb
  • 1.2 grams EPA/DHA

And that’s all she wrote. Basically I modified the around training nutrition. Mike had written to have 45 grams of carbs during training. This would conceivably come from something like maltodextrin or dextrose. I basically decided that if I am going to actually get some carbs, I would get it from something that will provide a ton of micronution, as well as replenishing liver glycogen and increasing hydration status. Hence why I chose the banana and apple. Mike had also written to get about 25 grams of protein during training, preferably whey. I chose to do BCAA’s during training and the whey/casein MD for my protein source immediately post. This way I get the greatest benefits from the combo for maintaining lean mass. I would love to hear people’s thoughts or questions on this one, so fire away.

Posted on January 8th, 2009 by Brian St. Pierre


Just A Quickie

Filed under: Youth Training

Mike Boyle posted this video of Don Lucia, the University of Minnesota Hockey Coach, on his blog a few days ago. I finally got around to watching it. Now I may be a little biased because of my deep affinity for hockey, hell I played the sport for 15 glorious years, but it is simply one of the best speeches I have heard about youth sports in a long time. Please take a listen and appreciate what he has to say.

Tomorrow I will show an example day of my Warp Speed Diet. Along with providing a link to my Warp Speed Training Log. I just really wanted to have more people see this video.

Posted on January 6th, 2009 by Brian St. Pierre

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My Warp Speed Fat Loss

Filed under: Weight Loss

It’s true. I’m hopping on the Warp Speed bandwagon. I have spent the last 3+ months slowly gaining mass and trying to get stronger. Well needless to say it worked. I went from about 197lbs to 214lbs. My max bench went from 315 to 345. My max trap bar deadlift went from 555 to 585. Along with those size gains though, came some unwanted, but expected, fat gain. At this point in my training career, it is virtually impossible to gain an appreciable amount of muscle, without an accompanying accumulation of fat. Fortunately, the plan from the outset was to go nuts and try to strip off every ounce of fat I gained by doing the incredibly effective Warp Speed Fat Loss program come January.

As some of you may know, we had a few clients at CP who successfully completed this program a few months ago. Eric had a great newsletter about it. Well now it is my turn, and the man featured in that newsletter is going back at it with me. He lost 12lbs in that month, and came out looking phenomenal. I know for me, it is going to be a struggle, but I have taken Mike Roussell’s diet and made a few modifications of my own. Nothing crazy. I will post an example day or two of what my Warp Speed Diet looks like, just to give you an idea.

My ticket to Ultra Lean

My ticket to Ultra Lean

As for the training, I have modified the Cosgrove program to fit my needs and desires. Having put several clients through the program, it helped to see what they liked and what they didn’t and how to make some circuits harder. This program is going to smoke me. Also for those of you who read Tony’s blog, he is starting a new diet and exercise program called Tony gets Sexified. Well Tony, I am officially throwing down the gauntlet. We shall see who prevails!

Posted on January 5th, 2009 by Brian St. Pierre


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